Home Learning- 19.1.24

Friday 19th January

Hello Year 2, 

Online activities are available on Bug Club, My Maths and Spag.com.


MyMaths | Tried and Tested | Teach Primary    Reedley Primary School: Y3CL Phoenix Class    Times Tables Rock Stars: Play  Purple Mash    Bug Club Family



Please complete a book on Bug Club and collect your coins. You could also read your reading book or reading for pleasure book. 

This should take you about 1/2 hour.

Remember to work towards your reading award.


Comprehension (30 minutes)

Complete the comprehension tasks. You will find these at the bottom of the page.

Find the task for your Guided Reading Group.

If you are in River, complete the River and Ocean task.

If you are in Forest or Garden complete that task.

If you are in Desert complete the Desert task.


KL: use noun phrases

Today you are going to design Mudpuddle Farm.

You will need to include a place for the animals to live:

Captain the horse lives in the barn

Aunty Grace and Primrose the cows live in a field

Upside and Down live in the pond

Albertine the Goose lives on an island in the middle of the pond

Diana the silly sheep lives in a field

Jigger the dog lives in the farmhouse with Farmer Rafferty

Farmer Rafferty also has a vegetable patch which includes- runner beans, lettuce, potatoes and tomatoes

When you have finished your design think of a noun phrase to describe each place. Make sure you choose two different adjectives.

Look at the examples below.

big, large barn

This is a bad choice because big and large are similar

big, red barn

This is a good choice because the adjectives are different.


KL: Solve measurement problems

Read the problems carefully. Think about what the problem is asking you do. Look for key words.

  • Check if you need to add or subtract
  • If you need to + draw both numbers for your working out
  • If you need to – draw the greatest number for your working out
  • Don’t forget to put TO on top of your working out to help with your place value

KL: Design your own garden

What would you like to have in your garden?

You could include a play area with a slide or swing or a sandpit. Some grass, a flowerbed or vegetable patch even a swimming pool!

Use the sheet at the bottom of the page to help you plan.

You must include a flowerbed with five different kinds of flowers (remember to label them). There is a word bank to help you.




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