
Reading is Magic Festival
Events — Reading is Magic Festival
We joined in the Reading is Magic festival and have online events with authors on Wednesday 28th September.

On Wednesday we joined the author Lola Shoneyin to hear her read the book Iyaji the Housegirl. This was from a series about children in Northern Nigeria and linked perfectly with our recent PSHE lessons and assembly on The Rights of a child.  we also met the illustrator online who talked about how she brings the story to life with her pictures. 


Tuesday 27th September
Skipping workshop
We had a great time learning new skipping styles during our skipping workshop. We learnt about how good skipping can be for those who want to keep fit.


Monday 3rd October 2022

Morris Dancing


We were lucky to be visited by the Morris Dance Group who taught all the children in Year 3 about the history of Morris dancing and how to do it too. The children enjoyed their afternoon and are looking forward to enhancing their dancing skills in P.E.

Monday 10th October
World Mental Health Day 2022 | Mental Health Foundation
For World Mental Health Day, we took part in an exciting virtual event with Natalie Costa, author of Love Being You! and Know Your Feelings!  In the event, Natalie spoke about her books and shared tips to look after our minds.
We then took ten minute to read and relax with the rest of Year 3.

Bees GIFs - Get the best gif on GIFERThe Inter-school Spelling Bee

Our Spelling Bee competition is back! We will be taking part with the SWAT cluster of schools for this event.
Our first round will take place on Friday 20th January so there is plenty of time to practise the words. children will have two minutes to spell as many words aloud as they can from the spelling list that has been sent home. The person with the highest score in Year 3 will go through to the Semi final against children from Walverden Primary School and Briercliffe Primary School.
Friday 21st October

Show Racism the Red Card - St Elizabeth's Primary School

All the children and staff were invited to wear red clothes on Friday to show thier support to the 'Show Racism The Red Card' campaign. Take a look at how amazing we look.


See the source image




Art week  

This week has been our Art Week. We have been looking at the artist Claes Oldenburg?(January 28, 1929 – July 18, 2022).  


He was a Swedish-born American sculptor, best known for his?public art?installations typically featuring large replicas of everyday objects. Another theme in his work is?soft sculpture?versions of everyday objects. 

Here are a few of the sculptures he has created. 


We spent some time appraising his work. The children really enjoyed looking at his work. We used sentence stems for our sentences.  Here are some of our thoughts on his sculptures. 

See the source image        See the source image


Before beginning his 3D sculptures Claes would sketch his piece. We had a go at sketching different fruits and vegetables.


 We then had lots of fun with our parents visiting and making the different fruits and vegetables out of clay. This was messy but lots of fun. We really enjoyed having our parents join us and I think the parents enjoyed themselves too! 


The next day we began exploring the colours we would use once our sculptures were dry. We started off with the prime colours and then began mixing to create a colour wheel.  



When our sculpture were ready to paint we had lots of fun recreating the colours of the fruit and painting them. Here are our finished masterpieces. 




Talk Money week – Week beginning 7th November

We explored different methods of making payments including using cash, credit cards, online payments, paying with a phone or watch. We had lots of fun exploring real notes and identifying all of the security features on them.



We discussed how the images on our coins and notes will be changing soon so that they will have a portrait of King Charles III. Having looked at the notes, we decided to design new notes.

Anti-bullying week - Monday 14th November 

Odd Socks Day



Anti-Bullying Week 2022 is taking place from Monday 14th - Friday 18th November. The children have taken a stand today against bullying and have worn odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. Here are some photos of the odd socks across the school. Can you find your socks in these pictures?

Maths Week England – Week beginning 14th November

This week is Maths Week England. We have had lots of fun exploring different aspects of Maths. Today we have been looking at two Mathematicians who both claimed to have invented the Pentominoes.


Solomon W Golomb and Henry Ernest Dudeney.  The children have had lots of fun creating shapes out of just five squares. We then came together to see if we had all twelve, which are named after letters of the alphabet (see the picture below)


One puzzle that became popular in the early 19th century was trying to fit all 12 pieces together to form a rectangle. We had a go at this. It was so much fun! Some of the children were able to complete the puzzle.



Times Table Rockstar – Rock England competition

14th – 16th November

Times Tables Rock Stars - Page Site


Explorer's Day Monday 21st November

We loved having the animals visit us today. We learnt about the skeleton of the animals and their diets and asked some incredible questions. Here are some pictures but to see more please click on the Science tab above. 

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Food Tasting - Monday 5th December 
We have been designing a healthy pasta salad meal fit for an athelete in Science so today we were tasting different vegetables that we might want to include in our own design.


Grandad Wheels - Tuesday 6th December 
Children's Books | Grandad Wheels
Christmas Dinner Day 
We had our school Christmas Dinner Day this week. We enjoyed pulling the crackers, listening to Christmas songs and eating our yummy lunch!
Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day took place on 7th February.  During the week we read a number of online safety books and explored the positives about being online and how to stay safe and make the write choices.
School Trip
On Thursday 11th February we went to 'Bring your wellies and took part in an action packed day, linked to our theme... The Stone Age.
A small selection of photos. More photos can be seen on our theme tab.
The Advanced Spelling Bee Guide: All You Need to Know! [Updated 2021] Spelling Bee  Y3 champion  The Advanced Spelling Bee Guide: All You Need to Know! [Updated 2021]
The results from this years Spelling Bee were very close but we are very proud to announce that the Reedley School, Y3 winner was from the Silver Posie class. She will be representing Reedley School in the next heat which will be against local schools.
Good luck.
Upcoming Events Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock   
Things to look forward to this half term...

Art Week -Week beginning 20th February

World Book Day  2nd March

British Science Week -  Week beginning 13th March


Art week 2018

Monday 20th February - Friday 24th February

Aboriginal Art

What is Aboriginal Art? - Answered - Twinkl Teaching Wiki   

We have been studying the artist Gabriella Possum Nungurrayi. Gabrriella cretaes Aboriginal Artwork.


We spent some time looking at her pieces before learning about the meaning of the symbols and then creating our own stories through symbols. look out for the finished pieces. 


We also invited parents to come in and join us to create our artwork. The children really enjoyed sharing with their adult the meaning behind each symbol in their art story.



Library Bus - 23rd February 2023

Reedley School were visited by the Library Bus, where some children from each class were able to choose a selection of books to take back to their classes for everyone to enjoy.



World Book Day - 2nd March 2023

Celebrating World Book Day 2023 across the UK and Ireland | LoveReading4Kids   World Book Day - World Book Day | World Book Day is a registered charity.  Our mission is to give every child and young person a book of their own.

We had the focus of Dragons for our World Book day with both Miss Radcliffe and Mrs Ellis dressing as dragons. Throughout the day when we heard the dragon roar we stopped what we were doing and read more of the story.

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We dressed up as different book characters and throughout the day we created our own moving dragon and wrote a dragon story for the Reception class to use.


We also invited parents in to share lots of different dragon books with us.



Here are some of our dragons.



This week we have had our Eid lunch. It was yummy!


Year 3 also hosted our Eid Assembly. The children were so confidnet infront of all of the parents.


 The Year 3 staff were very proud of the children. Eid Mubarak from the Year 3 team!



Art Week Summer 2

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We spent some time looking at some of Georgia O'Keefes artwork and talked about what we liked and what it made us feel like.

Here are some of her famous pieces below:

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After reading these quotes we went outside and looked at the flowers and plants in our school. We took photographs zooming in on the beauty of flowers here are some of our photos.




We did some observational drawing of different flowers. Parents came in to join us with this activity. We really enjoyed sharing our drawings with you. See the pictures below.



We then used our photographs and oil pastels to create our own pieces of flower art see below:





This week we had a Roman day. We came into school in Roman costumes and did lots of exciting activities based around Romans.





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This week we went to visit another school as part of a friendship day. We visisted Barrowford School in Barrowford for the day.

We made some new friends, talked about how we are the same but different, we talked about the differences in the schools and played in the woodland area together.

We had an amazing day!








Swat Timestable Competition 

Today three of our class took part in the SWAT TimesTable Competition. They were really nervous but all three did really well.

Dawood went on to win the Year 3 trophy after beating five other schools. Well done!
