Home Learning 08.01.25
Happy Wednesday!
Remember you can log onto Maths Whizz and Times Table Rockstars as well as completing the work below.
Who might own the suitcase? Where might they be going? How might they be feeling? Watch the clips below: The bombing and evacuation scenes from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe film: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2txx4e An evacuee tells her story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd4pMh_XPck A Day in the Life Of A 10-Year-Old Evacuee - Hands on History – BBC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFBlvWkNEKU With someone at home, discuss what life would have been like for evacuees in WW2.
Maths Log onto Purple Mash and complete the 2do based on long multiplication. If you have not got your log in then please try the calculations below: 5342 x 12 4215 x 25 6521 x 14 8967 x 24
Music This half term, we will be studying an artist called Vera Lynn. Can you research her and create a profile page? Does anyone at home know who she is?
PE Our dance unit will focus on 'The Highwayman' so it is important we understand the descriptive language which is used. Read The Highwayman poem then complete the vocabulary work on the link above.
Times Tables Use timestable rockstars to make sure you practise the timestables which link to the times table test you are currently trying to achieve in Mrs Bell's tables tests.