Home Learning 09.01.25
Happy Thursday!
Please can ALL children log onto Maths Whizz and make at least three points progress this week. Currently, there are only two people in 6H and one person in 6E who have acheived this. Well done to those children.
This vocabulary is taken from Chapter 1 of Goodnght Mr Tom, which you read on Tuesday. It may be helpful to go back to the chapter and read the words in context (within the sentences/text) before you continue.
billeting officer
Use Word Hippo or a dictionary to explore the words. Complete a semantic map for at least two of the words.
Please log onto Spag.com where we have set you some work to complete.
Long division
Please watch the video which guides you through the steps for long division.
Complete the attached worksheets. You can write these down on a piece of paper if you cannot type on the document or print it off. There are answers too, but I trust you to use these to check your work at the end.
This half term, we are studying World War Two (WW2). Let's find out what your existing knowledge is like by drawing a spider diagram adding your ideas. Then, I would like you to write down three questions based on what you would really like to find out about WW2. Make them interesting!
Complete the spelling work which has been set for you on Purple Mash 2dos. If you do not have your login then please practise some of the spellings from the word list in your homework book. Use a spelling strategy that works for you.