In May, Year 6 will take SATs tests.  For information about the tests, follow the link:

Information for parents: 2024 national curriculum tests at the end of key stage 2 - GOV.UK (

We held a meeting for parents on 9th September 2024 and the 10th February 2025.  The Powerpoint slides can be viewed here:

SATs Powerpoint

We will hold another meeting in the Spring Term.

To support your child, please:

*Encourage them to read as often as they can.  Every little helps.

*Ask them to complete activities on - these are fantastic in helping the children prepare for the GPS paper.

*Support them in completing the activities on Maths Whizz.

*Access the spelling activities on Purple Mash.

This is the link to the Year 6 writing objectives:

Writing Framework


These are the links to the spelling lists for KS2:

Years 3 & 4 spelling list

Years 5 & 6 spelling list


Thank you once again for your continued support.


Click on the website required below and it will take you to the page to login.

NCHENZ - MATHS-WHIZZ - Home Learning School