
Each term I will be sending home a knowledge organiser these can also be found in the 'Knowledge Organiser' tab. Please encourage your child to read through it and learn some of the vocabulary linked to the topics we will be learning. This will really them to engage in the lesson and will also help you to understand more about the topic we are teaching.


Summer term

Our theme for Summer 1 is... Water, water, water 

Our Key Questions are:

  • How do you know the difference between solids, liquids and gasses?
  • What is the water cycle and why is it important?

Lesson 1: How do you know the difference between Solid, Liquids and gasses?

Solids.png    liquids.png



Lesson 2: How can materials change states?

states of matter.png

Explore BBC Bitesize to findout more about Solids, liquids and gasses.


Lesson 3: What role does condensation and evaporation play in the water cycle?

Discover about the water cycle using BBC Bitesize

We were all fantastic at being able to explain how the water cycle works. Mrs Phillips thought we were that good she asked us to become teachers so that we could teach the water cycle to other children. We did this by being in small groups. Have a look at what we produced in our groups. 


IMG_7937.JPG     IMG_7941.JPG    IMG_7940(1).JPG


 IMG_7939(1).JPG   IMG_7938(1).JPG    









Lesson 4: Do all liquids evaporate?






Spring Term

School Learning Zone - Digestion


Our Key Questions are:

  • What are the different fuctions of teeth?
  • What does animals' teeth tell us about what it eats?
  • How do I look after my teeth?
  • What are the parts of the digestive system and what do they do?
  • What happens to food when we eat it?

Lesson 1: What are the different parts of a tooth?

After learning about the different parts of a tooth, children made a tooth flip book. We discussed the function of each part as we made the book.

IMG_7601.JPG  IMG_7602.JPG

Lesson 2: Why do we have teeth and what are their purpose?

This lesson looked at the different types of teeth we have. Using mirrors we were able to look at the teeth inside our own mouth. 

Types of Teeth and Their Function • Gee Family Dental


Autumn 1

Our theme is… Sparks Might Fly

Electricity and circuits 6th CBSE science study notesCircuit symbols - BBC Bitesize     

  • Our Key Questions are:

    • What are conductors and insulators?
    • What happens if i remove or add bulbs and batteries to a circuit?
    • How would our lives be different without electricity?

IMG_6861.JPG   IMG_6860.JPG

Super work!