10.3.23 Snow day work



Home learning activities have been set and will consist of written and online activities. 

Online activities will also be set on Bug Club, My Maths, Spag.com and Purple Mash (click images below for links). Passwords for these websites have been stuck in the front of the homework book.

Click on the icons below to go straight to our online learning.

MyMaths | Tried and Tested | Teach Primary    Purple Mash   EdShed    Bug Club Family



Read 'The Iron Man ' story that is attatched at the bottom of this page as a PDF.

Answer the comprehension questions on the text. Remember to answer questions in full sentences and to support your answers with the text.  

See links at the bottom of the page for the comprehension sheets.

This should take you about 45 minutes.

Remember that you should also log on to Bugclub and complete the activities on there too.



Think about the moment Hogarth came into the house to tell his parents about what he had seen. We are going to write the conversation between his parents and him. Remember these rules when we are writing dialogue.

Put inverted commas  " " around the part the character says.

Use a capital letter for the beginning of what is said.

Punctuation goes inside the inverted commas. 

Each speaker goes on a new line.

Remember to say who said it - Think about other words for said.

" Dad! I've just seen something terrifying on the cliffs." exclaimed Hogarth.


KL: Angles 

Go on an angle hunt around your home. Once you have found one, say whether or not it's a right angle. If it isn't a right angle, don't forget to say why it isn't.

There is also a task set on MyMaths for you.

Maths should take you about 45 minutes.

We have set you a TTR battle with Year 4! Good luck!!!


PSHE - Jobs

Discuss what a job is and why we need them.

Write a list of 5 jobs you would consider doing when you are older. Then write why you have chosen this job and what qualities you think you have that would make you successful at this job.

Science- Magnets

Throughout our home we have lots of magnets. List all the ones you can find in your home and what job it does in your home. 

Eg: magnet on a cupboard door, that stops my cupboard door opening when I don't want it to.

Each task should take you about 45 minutes.


Online Learning

Complete one or more of these tasks 

My Maths -complete the task

Spag.com - complete the task

Purple Mash- complete the task

TTRockstars- practise your mixed timestables


Files to Download