Class information
For more information click on the file below.
- Your child’s teacher is Mrs Sange
- The Teaching Assistant is Miss Arshad
- Mrs Jaleel will be teaching your child on a Thursday afternoon
We expect all children to wear full school uniform every day.
- Shoes - This includes plain black school shoes/boots with a sensible heel, not trainers and no logos. If children have a problem with their usual school shoes, they wear their black school pumps whilst in school.
- Names - Please ensure that all items of clothing are named – then they be returned to your child if the items become lost.
- Jewellery - Jewellery is not allowed in school expect for a small pair of stud earrings and a watch. For PE lessons, the earrings must be covered over with plasters (provided by the parent) or removed. For swimming lessons earrings must be removed. The children must be able to remove them themselves. Please keep all other jewellery at home at all times for safety purposes. If it has to be taken from a child, it could get lost in school.
- Headscarves – girls can choose to wear a headscarf if they wish to. These should be plain black, blue or white and should have no decorations, and must not be fastened by pins. Ideally they should not be longer than shoulder length. These must be removed for PE.
- Uniform
Boys - Black or grey trousers, white polo shirt and a blue sweatshirt
Girls – Black or navy dress or skirt, white polo shirt, blue checked dress, blue sweatshirt or cardigan. Girls can wear leggings or trousers.
PE Kits
- Your child needs to have a school PE kit which consists of a red t-shirt, black shorts and black plimsoll pumps. Girls can wear plain black leggings.
- This kit is brought into school on the first day of a term and goes home at the end of the term, remaining in school so that the children always have the required kit for their lessons.
- Children who take part in after-school sport club need to bring in additional kit for this purpose and should not be using their school PE kit, otherwise the kit can get muddy or left at home.
- Lates- It is very important that your child arrives on time. School starts at 8.50am. Learning starts as soon as the children arrive. If you are late your child will miss their phonics learning which is vital for reading.
- In school we use ‘StudyBugs’. Download the app and you can keep us informed about any absences.
- Reading Book – Your child needs to bring their reading book and diary every day. The books get changed on a Friday. Please record the date you read with your child and sign the book.
- Water bottles – Your child can bring water to school in a reusable bottle. It must be water, not juice.
- We have a Reading For Pleasure scheme where the children are encouraged to complete short task related to books. This year the theme is animals. The bookmark is stuck at the back of the homework book and 3 activities should be completed each week.
- Homework books go out on a Thursday and needs to be completed by the following Tuesday. Completing homework helps to reinforce the skills that they have learnt in class. The passwords are stuck in the front of your child’s homework book.
- Your child will bring home Knowledge Organisers throughout the year, which will include key vocabulary. This is so that adults at home can help your child to get interested in the topic and start some research if possible. If your child’s first language is not English, you could translate some of the words to help them to understand the vocabulary that they will be using.
For more information click on the file below.