: News items
Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs Ellis
06.11.20 Rock Out 2020, by Mrs Iqbal
04.11.20 Parent carer meeting letter Nov 2020, by Mrs Iqbal
3.11.20 Trafiic and social distancing, by Mrs Iqbal
Plea for reading and library books to be returned., by Mrs Iqbal
For Parents of Y6 only re Applications for High School, by Mrs Iqbal
06.10.20 Non-uniform day on 16 Oct, dropping off procedures, self isolation, symptoms of COVID, by Mrs Iqbal
21.09.20 A very important letter for Whole school, by Mrs Iqbal
16.09.20 Letter to Y4 parents and carers, by Mrs Iqbal
27.08.20 A statement from Mrs Bell, Headteacher re What will happen if your child shows symptoms of COVID-19 whilst at school, by Mrs Iqbal
26.08.20 Letter to parents re Opening of school, by Mrs Iqbal