Year 3LV Golden Eagle: News items
12.05.22 Newsletter Y6 SATs, Y2 SATs, Parent and Pupil Voice, Half Term Holiday and Staffing News, by Mrs Iqbal
Year 2 S.A.T.s (Standard Assessment Tests) Information, by Mrs Iqbal
Accident - 28.04.22, by Mrs Iqbal
27.04.22 Newsletter Y6 SATs, Eid, School holidays and COVID Guidance & Risk Assessment, by Mrs Iqbal
School meals, clubs, staffing, school day, holidays, PE, assemblies, Easter school, R&Y1 events, Ramadan, by Mrs Connolly
04.03.22 Newsletter Vaccination, COVID Risk Assessment, School Day, Parent Questionnaire, Football, World Book Day, Parking, by Mrs Connolly
10.02.22 Newsletter - Holidays, school day, staff news, safer internet, world book, art week, by Mrs Connolly
Newsletter 26.11.21 - traffic and sponsor money, by Mrs Iqbal
Newsletter 16.11.21 Mrs Bell's baby, ventilation, Children in need and thank you for a warm welcome, by Mrs Iqbal
30.09.21 Visitors ventilation reading awards reading festival half term dates parent and carer meeting dates, by Mrs Iqbal
06.07.21 Transition, Reports, Presents, Reading Bags, End of Term, Sept timings, Message from Police, Before School Facility, by Mrs Iqbal
11.06.21 Safety of pupils, presents for staff, French Day, COVID, Sports' Days and Reading Bags, by Mrs Iqbal
School will be closed on Thursday 13th May, by Mrs Iqbal
Number Day on Friday 7th May 2021., by Mrs Iqbal
Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs Ellis