Tuesday 7th January 2025 - home learning

Good morning Otters!

Unfortunately, school is closed today due to the icy conditions outside and it is not safe for you to travel to school. 

Here is your home learning for today - we will be checking you have completed the activities!


Guided Reading

Please complete a 'Role on the Wall' for a character you have read about and know well. You can draw your character and then add the following details around it:

  1. What might your character be thinking during a main event in the story?
  2. Using inverted commas (speech marks), tell me something your character might say during the main event. 
  3. Write down 2 feelings your character might feel during the event and explain why. 
  4. Add some detail about your characters' personality and appearance. 



Please practise the following spelling words as a recap of the Autumn term. Add them into your own sentences once you have practised them. 















Grammar starter - Re-write the sentences so that they make sense, are spelled correctly and punctuated perfectly.


  1. one suny morning a energetic boy was playing Football in the park with his best freind billy
  2. a few ours later the zoo closed becuase a emperor penguin had ecscaped from its enclosure?



Main activity - Write a short story about something that interests and excites you. I would like you to use some Year 4 skills that you have learnt previously in the Autumn term. Make sure each sentence in your story makes sense. 

Things to include:

Capital letters and full stops!

Other punctuation ( , ! ?)

Fronted adverbials for time and place

Spelling rules

'ed' and 'ing' sentences starters

Interesting verbs

A range of exciting vocabulary. 







There is a TTRS battle between the Year 4 classes today. Please log on and join in. 


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***Please also log onto Maths Whizz and complete as much as you can.***


Theme - Science (recap on Sound)


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Are you ready?!

Mrs Phillips says, " Sound can only travel in straight lines."


Mrs Phillips also says, " Sound can only travel through gases, not liquids or solids."


Extra learning if you need them

Maths Whizz

Reading for Pleasure

Read a new book

Complete your homework

Complete the handwriting booklet that you took home.

Practise writing your UPPER and lower case letters.