Wednesday 8th January 2025 - home learning
Good morning Otters!
Unfortunately, school remains closed today due to the icy conditions outside and it is not safe for you to travel to school. I hope you are all okay.
Here is your home learning for today - we will be checking you have completed the activities, including your online platforms.
Guided Reading
Please read the short extract 'Taking Shelter' (you can download this at the bottom of this page) and then answer the reading domain question.
We are going to be looking at a new spelling rule using 'gu'.
Please practise the following words using your class strategies (pyramid words, make a silly sentence, block words, bubble writing).
Grammar starter - Re-write the sentences so that they make sense, are spelled correctly and punctuated perfectly.
- during the winter lots of peple deside to stay indoors so that they keep warm!
- excitedly the beutiful gurl entered the enchanted forest where lots off magic happens,
Main activity
Complete the sentences so that they make sense.
Task 1 - add a main clause to make the fronted adverbial (for time) make sense.
a) A few moments later,
b) Five hours ago,
c) On Friday,
Task 2 - add the fronted adverbial (for time) so that the main clause makes sense.
a) _________________, the park was blanketed with a thick sheet of white snow.
b) _________________, I attended a party at my local swimming baths.
c) _________________, Timmy decided to go and scare his big sister.
Task 3 - now make three of your own sentences that must begin with a fronted adverbial for time.
There is a TTRS battle between the Year 4 classes today. Please log on and join in.
**Please also log onto Maths Whizz and complete as much as you can - I will be checking you have been on.
Today, you will be learning about the story of Rama and Sita. You can download the powerpoint and tasks below.
This lesson is all about cyberbullying and how we can stay safe online. You can download this lesson below.
Extra learning if you need them
Maths Whizz
Reading for Pleasure
Read a new book
Complete your homework